School Closing Information

School Closing Information

From time to time, school must be delayed or closed due to weather-related or emergency conditions. Every attempt is made to make the decision before 6:30 a.m. On rare occasions school may be delayed for two hours. The following local stations will be contacted for announcements: WLNS TV 6, WILX TV 10, WSYM TV 47, and W4 Country 102.9 FM.

In addition, announcements will be made through the school district’s automated calling system, on our website at, on our Facebook page by searching for Grass Lake Community Schools, and on our Twitter Page @ GrassLakeCS. In very rare instances, it may be necessary to dismiss school during the day because of deteriorating weather conditions, power failures, etc. Parents should remain posted to any of the above resources. In addition, parents are asked to not drop students off at school during these times of delay