Community Organizations
Website link:
Grass Lake Alumni Association Board of Directors Officers
President - Linda Lockwood Hutchinson
Vice President - Cindy Clark Payne
Secretary - Sandy Wolfinger Bromley
Treasurer - Anna Loveland
P.O Box 374
Grass Lake, MI 49240
Click here to e-mail
“Working together to support Grass Lake students of the past, the present, and the future.”
Grass Lake Alumni Listserv Informaton
The Grass Lake Alumni Association provides ongoing information to our alumni and friends related to community events, school events, obituaries, special alumni activities, and other news of note. To subscribe to this listserv, contact Doug Moeckel (click here to send an email) and share your email information. Confirmation of your subscription will be sent to you. Email addresses on our subscriber list are never shared for any reason and subscriptions can be cancelled at any time by contacting Doug.
Grass Lake High School Graduating Class Composite Photos Available
Assorted GLHS composite photos are available by going to Not all classes are available, but many classes are. Many composites that are not available in this file are available at Grass Lake's Coe House Museum in their original form.
1929 Grass Lake Yearbook Offered for Viewing
Click here to find a PDF slideshow of the 1929 Grass Lake Schools yearbook. The yearbook was graciously loaned to us by Bill White and belonged to Bill's mother's sister, Clara Hewlett. It is definitely a treasure. Thank you to Bill and the White family for the loan. (Note that it is quite a large file, but after having opened it, you can scroll through it by hitting the down arrow on your keyboard.)
CONTACT INFORMATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS (Alumni Association, Community Scholarship, Educational Foundation)
P.O Box 374
Grass Lake, MI 49240
The Grass Lake Alumni Scholarship Fund receives donations to fund scholarships for Grass Lake High School students specifically for the purpose of advancing their education. These funds are directed to specific scholarship funds. The Alumni Association Board annually reviews scholarship applications and works to attribute the scholarship awards to the individual for whom the funds were donated.
Sandy Bromley
Click here to send Sandy an email
PO Box 795
Grass Lake, MI 49240
The Grass Lake Community Scholarship receives donations and uses investments to fund 8-10 scholarships ranging from $500 to $1000 to graduating high school seniors. The scholarship committee acknowledges the donor and the family of the person for whom the money was donated. Scholarship applications are reviewed each spring and the committee receives input from the High School Counselor. They are announced, in memory or in honor of the person, at senior awards night and also at graduation. Awards are printed in the The Grass Lake Times, as well as the Jackson Citizen Patriot.
Sandy Wolfinger
Click here to email Sandy Wolfinger
PO Box 394
Grass Lake, MI 49240
The Grass Lake Educational Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) educational resource founded in 1985. It is separate from the Grass Lake Community Schools and the Grass Lake Board of Education. The GLEF exists to provide additional sources of support for the students and staff of Grass Lake Community Schools. Gifts are acknowledged on our Foundation’s web page at and in our quarterly school district newsletters.
Dr. Nick Angel
Click here to send Dr. Nick Angel an email
Female Leaders Make Their Mark in GL Government
Grass Lake has a history of strong female leadership as early as 1947, as reported in the Jackson Citizen Patriot and the Grass Lake News. Despite no hot-button issues, voters propelled the Young Women’s Party of Grass Lake into power in Grass Lake Village in 1947-48. And it made national news. See the link for to see the entire story.
Grass Lake Alumni Listserv Informaton
The Grass Lake Alumni Association provides ongoing information to our alumni and friends related to community events, school events, obituaries, special alumni activities, and other news of note. To subscribe to this listserv, contact Doug Moeckel at and share your email information. Confirmation of your subscription will be sent to you. Email addresses on our subscriber list are never shared for any reason and subscriptions can be cancelled at any time by contacting Doug.
The Grass Lake Educational Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)3 educational resource founded in 1985. It is separate from the Grass Lake Community Schools and the Grass Lake Board of Education. The GLEF exists to provide additional sources of support for the students and staff of Grass Lake Community Schools. The GLEF Board meets monthly to discuss fundraising opportunities, current business, and to award mini-grants to staff members. If you have questions, or you would like to make a donation, please call GLEF Executive Director Dr. Nick Angel at 517-867-5540.
2024-2025 GLEF Board of Directors
President: Gabby Boteler
Vice President: Carrie McClure
Treasurer: Scotti McDaniel
Secretary: Jessica VanCleave
Communications Director: Nicole Gilbert
School Board Liaison: Shari Hein
Ben Dandrow
Tara Figi
Executive Director: Dr. Nick Angel
Correspondences can be sent to:
Grass Lake Educational Foundation
PO Box 394
Grass Lake, MI 49240
Send E-Mail Inquiries to:
Facebook: Grass Lake Education Foundation
2024-2025 Scholarship Application
Teacher Grant Application
The GLEF Board Invites You to Participate -
The GLEF Board of Directors invites all individuals who are interested in supporting the Foundation with their decisions toward funding programs that support the improvement of student achievement to attend any, or all, of our Board meetings. You would have the option of sitting on specific committees to contribute to conversations, or becoming a full voting member of the GLEF Board. If you are interested in participating with Grass Lake Educational Foundation activities, contact GLEF Board President Gabby Boteler at, or attend any GLEF meeting on the third Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM in the George Long Elementary School Media Center.
*Double check the Facebook page for any last minute meeting changes.
The GLEF Awards Teachers Through Their Educator Grant Program -
The Grass Lake Educational Foundation’s purpose is to provide optimal funding to support our educators in their ability to enhance achievement for our students. If you are interested in participating in GLEF activities, contact GLEF President Gabby Boteler at
Tax-Deductible Donations Can Be Made to the GLEF by mailing to:
Grass Lake Educational Foundation
P.O. Box 394
Grass Lake, Michigan 49240
Alumni and Public Are Invited to Make Donations to the Educational Foundation
The Grass Lake Educational Foundation is established to provide supplemental funding to Grass Lake educational programs that will enhance the academic achievement of our students. Thousands of dollars from contributors are expended yearly toward this mission. The Grass Lake Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and, as such, donations qualify as charitable contributions on both the Michigan and Federal income tax returns. Checks should be made payable to the Grass Lake Educational Foundation and mailed to P.O. Box 394, Grass Lake MI 49240. Contact the Foundation's Executive Director Dr. Nick Angel with questions at 517-867-5540.
The Copper Nail is a community non-profit resale shop located in the center of historic Grass Lake, Michigan.
The Grass Lake Depot has historical significance to the Grass Lake area and is available for rentals by going to
Through the financial and leadership support of the 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, and the tireless work of community volunteers, the GLCWI has provided wellness interventions throughout the Grass Lake community. See the organization's Facebook page at
Mike Hirst Announces Jackson's New Drug Treatment Facility
Andy's Angels founder Mike Hirst announced the upcoming drug rehabilitation and treatment center coming to Jackson on JTV television today. You can learn more about Andy's Angels Foundation by going to
Whether you are already a resident, a visitor, or are just looking for a great place to live, work and raise your family, the Grass Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to spend some time exploring the many possibilities within the Grass Lake area.
Whether you are planning a wedding, anniversary, graduation party, bridal / baby shower, business meeting / retreat , a fund-raiser or just an event that needs a wonderful venue—your event will be magnificent at Eyry of the Eagle Farm.
This museum has captured the stories of Michigan's veterans and serves as a repository for their artifacts and archives so that they will never be forgotten.
Imagine the time before paved streets, cars and buses. Village streets bustling with activity and people in the early 1900’s of Grass Lake. The electric Interurban railway system is the primary mode of public transportation. More than six railways intersected Jackson County and delivered visitors to and from Ann Arbor, Jackson, Battle Creek and Lansing.
5 Healthy Towns Foundation (5HF) – formerly Chelsea-Area Wellness Foundation – is a tax-exempt, private foundation governed by a volunteer board of directors representing populations included in the school-districts of Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake, Manchester and Stockbridge, generally referred to as the 5HF service area. The mission of the 5HF is to cultivate improvements in personal and community wellness.