District Coordinator Contacts
Brian Thompson Jeanene Byerly
Grass Lake High School Grass Lake Middle School
11500 Warrior Trail 1000 Grass Lake Rd.
Grass Lake, MI 49240 Grass Lake, MI 49240
517-867-5570 517-867-5550
Joel Smith Michelle Clark
George Long Elementary George Long Elementary
829 S. Union St. 829 S. Union St.
Grass Lake, MI 49240 Grass Lake, MI 49240
517-867-5590 517-867-5590
Dr. Nick Angel
Grass Lake Community Schools
899 S. Union St.
Grass Lake, MI 49240
Dr. Nick Angel Michelle Clark
Grass Lake Community Schools George Long Elementary
899 S. Union St. 829 S. Union St.
Grass Lake, MI 49240 Grass Lake, MI 49240
517-867-5540 517-867-5590
Aaron Moeckel
Grass Lake Community Schools
899 S. Union St.
Grass Lake, MI 49240
Sarah Sherwood
Grass Lake Community Schools
899 S. Union St.
Grass Lake, MI 49240
Renee Worthing
Grass Lake Community Schools
899 S. Union St.
Grass Lake, MI 49240
George Long Elementary: Michelle Clark - Joel Smith - Renee Worthing
Middle School: Jeanene Byerly - Ashley Roekle - Corey Knight
High School: Brian Thompson - Brian Zalud - Gwenda Kelly
District: Nick Angel, Superintendent
Teams will be developed for each building starting with the 2025-2026 school year.