Grass Lake High School
The staff at Grass Lake High School provides an educational environment that meets the diverse needs of our students as we strive to maximize success, while working to optimize communications between school and home, and promoting student contact with our community members and businesses. We always welcome visitors to come and see what we are all about.
Grass Lake High School
11500 Warrior Trail
Grass Lake, Michigan 49240
517-522-5490 (fax)
Enrollment at Grass Lake Community Schools
2024-2025 Enrollment Information
Instructional Hours - All Buildings
Grass Lake Middle School - 7:30 AM-2:30 PM
Grass Lake High School - 7:35 AM-2:35 PM
George Long Elementary School - 8:35 AM-3:35 PM
Half Day Instructional Hours - All Buildings
Grass Lake Middle School - 7:30 AM-11:15 AM
Grass Lake High School - 7:35 AM-11:20 AM
George Long Elementary School - 8:35 AM-12:15 PM